AUA 2023: How to Calculate the True Cost of Cystoscopy

Analyzing Value

AUA 2023: How to Calculate the True Cost of Cystoscopy

The average cost per procedure varies greatly depending on factors such as procedure volume and the number of available scopes.

When calculating the cost of cystoscopy done with a reusable scope, consider these three factors: capital investment, service and repairs, and reprocessing.

That's according to Christina Cool, director of health economics and market access for Ambu USA, who presented April 29 at AUA 2023 in Chicago and shared recent research estimating the average cost per procedure done with a reusable cystoscope.

Single-Use Endoscopy is an Ambu USA online learning center.

Cool found the average direct cost per procedure with a reusable scope to be $216. A recent meta-analysis, she acknowledged, found the figure to be slightly lower at $186 per cystoscopy.

The average cost of capital investment is $45 per procedure, which includes the purchasing cost of a cystoscope. That cost can average between $12,000 and $15,000 for a digital video scope or $7,000 to $9,000 for fiber optic, along with the cost of a video tower — which features a processor, light source and image recorder.

Cool said the average cost per procedure varies greatly depending on factors such as procedure volume and number of available scopes.




The average cost of repairs associated with one cystoscope totaled $64 per procedure, according to the analysis, based on an average cost of $1,500 for a single repair.

Lastly, sterilization costs average $107 per procedure. Recent guideline updates recommend sterilization when possible, and that is expected to increase reprocessing costs, Cool said. The process without utilizing sterilization, however, may take an additional 30 minutes.

Other factors to consider, she said, include efficiency and waste. Single-use cystoscopes may allow for an increase in procedures each day while also cutting down on PPE and water used during reprocessing.

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