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Factors driving single-use endoscopy, the ways in which single-use scopes redefine what’s possible, and how combining pulmonary and GI procedures can help patients and hospitals are among the topics experts discussed in recent webinars.
Here are five popular webinars we wrote about on Single-Use Endoscopy. And click here to sign up for our newsletters.
The Clinical Role of Single-Use Bronchoscopy
Single-use endoscopes are projected to be a $2.5 billion business by 2025, given the growth in clinical, hospital use and diagnostic center use, experts say.
Among the drivers of that demand: the rise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which ranks as the third-leading cause of death globally, and more cases of lung cancer.
Redefining What’s Possible with Single-Use Bronchoscopes
One of Dr. Jonathan Kurman’s favorite benefits of single-use bronchoscopes is knowing that he starts every case with a “perfect” scope.
“Single-use is the gold standard,“ said Kurman, director of interventional pulmonology at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, in a recent webinar presented by the Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy and sponsored by Ambu. “There’s nothing cleaner than a scope that’s never been used before.”
Flexible Bronchoscopy vs. Rigid Bronchoscopy, or Both?
Clinicians are performing an expanding range of procedures with flexible bronchoscopes that once were the sole purview of rigid bronchoscopy.
Success in doing so depends on factors such as training, comfort, experience and resources, said Dr. Brian Shaller, an interventional pulmonologist at Stanford University, in a recent Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy webinar.
Can Combining Pulmonary and GI Procedures Shorten Hospital Stays?
Increasingly, hospitals are combining certain pulmonary and GI procedures into one service, because patients require shorter hospital stays and costs are reduced when some procedures are performed at the same time, experts say.
In a recent webinar entitled “Development of a Tracheostomy/Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Service: Better Together,” Dr. Van K. Holden, an interventional pulmonologist and associate professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, shared reasons for the trend and steps needed to start such a service.
Why Problems with Reprocessing Ureteroscopes ‘Haven’t Gone Away’
More than 100 new medical device reports (MDRs) on flexible ureteroscopes have been filed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration since the agency released a letter to healthcare providers last spring announcing its investigation into numerous MDRs involving reprocessed urological endoscopes.
This was among the key findings presented in a recent OR Manager webinar featuring Cori Ofstead, an epidemiologist with more than 25 years of research experience.